Take Your Story
to a New Dimension!
AR, VR, MR and 360 Video provide Audiences with a richer, more immersive, interactive environment in which to engage with your ‘story’, while also providing a direct link to social channels, data analytics and follow-on objectives (shop, contact, etc.).
So for categories as diverse as Education, Tourism, Gaming or new ways to present the Arts, the range of effective applications on these media are extensive, while the User’s experience is unparalleled.
Our team are experts in Creating, Capturing & Distributing Video & Digital Content In AR, VR, MR and 360 Video - from Writers, Designers & Story Tellers, to Camera professionals, Programmers, UI/UX experts & Project Managers, we have over 10 years of experience in packaging companies’ and organisations’ stories using all of the best available technology platforms.
We also invent new ways of designing, developing and deploying solutions for these media channels, including our proprietary ‘AR Portals’.
Recent collaborations include developing projects for clients as diverse as Coca-Cola, Heineken, GAA and the Olympic movement, so if you’re considering how best to take your message to a new dimension, or simply want to get ‘Metaverse-ready’, contact us today - we can help you achieve your goals!

Transport your Audience into an AR Portal!
From Virtual Tours and Fashion Shows, to Education or scenes from a Theatrical Performance, AR Portals transport the user to themed digital experiences that can be seen and enjoyed on the User’s mobile device within any location.
360 Video or Animated Digital Content can be specifically created, or adapted from existing 360 footage. Host Apps can then contain either individual or multiple Portals, with the featured 360 content being either embedded within the App, or hosted and fed from the Cloud (allowing for easy updating or copy rotation).
Other features include a potential GPS 'treasure hunt’ mechanic, allowing for both accurate remote locating of Portals by an Administrator, or direct User Placement, while Social Functionality can also be integrated, making the experience ‘share-able’ within multiple Media channels.
Finally, integrated ‘touch’ interactive functionality within the 360 environments allows a User to select and interact with specific items featured within the Portals, further enhancing / amplifying the immersive experience. The service can also link to interoperable databases for GDPR-compliant data-capture when required.
So check out this totally immersive ‘alternative dimension’ experience, that places the audience ‘at the centre of the action', while also giving them a unique and intimate connection with your brand or message – all captured and held within their mobile device.
The following is a sample of ’the World’s First Augmented Reality Record Release’, an AR Portal EP from a local band ‘The Carmilla’s’.
Click or Scan to Download App.
Get Inside your Audience’s Head...
Virtual Reality (VR) makes use of computer technology to create interactive virtual experiences that are viewed through a headset. Users in turn are placed 'inside' a simulated world, delivering a greater sense of immersion than is experienced through any other 'traditional' media.
VR uses cutting-edge graphics, best-in-class hardware, and artistically rendered experiences to create a computer-simulated environment where you aren’t just a passive participant, but a co-conspirator - since the world around you turns every time you move your head, you feel like you’re “in the game” mentally and physically. In other words, you feel like you’re part of another universe.
VR therefore offers huge creative potential to deliver stories with ‘impact’, and with the explosion of headset sales, the medium is also growing rapidly among all audience categories.
Our production team includes experienced Writers, 360 videographers, Unity 360 Developers and seasoned publishers, so we can assist you with every aspect of your VR Project from conception to delivery - contact us today!

Recreate your existing 360 Videos in a New Dimension!
Has your existing 360 video achieved the quality of distribution you’d hoped for?
If not, consider adapting it to an AR Portal App, which can then be accessed through the Apple and Android App Stores.
With 50+ times more Smart Phones available than Headset or Cardboard, many companies and organisations’ are seeing the benefit of introducing existing 360 videos into a new dimension using AR Portals. This in turn allows them to link the Apps to their social channels, transaction enablers or to data capture opportunities – and it’s cost-effective too!
So imagine how it might widen the footprint of your 360 video! To find out more about this service, contact us today, and check out the sample App below, providing a Virtual Tour of the DSCPS’s facilities in Dublin.
360 videos provide a uniquely immersive viewer experience, allowing the audience to literal control the direction and nature of their experience - these videos have the ability to transport us into the middle of any given scenario, evoking a genuine first-hand experience.
360 video is filmed using our dedicated cameras, workflow and techniques, and we have assembled a team of experts with specialities across virtual storytelling, 360 productions, post-production, VFX and VR App development.
Together, we offer you guidance through the whole process and help you determine the best way to create an active viewer experience that maximises engagement with your audience.
As audience expectations of engaging content continue to increase, the popularity of 360 videos comes as no surprise, so contact us today to find out more about how we can help you produce a uniquely immersive re-telling of your story.